Sunday, January 26, 2020

Appreciation Of Ringgit Malaysia Marketing Essay

Appreciation Of Ringgit Malaysia Marketing Essay The Appreciation of Ringgit Malaysia seminar is expect to be held between 20th to 21st December 2010 addressed the appreciation of ringgit effect on exports in Malaysia. Specifically, it will bring together a dynamic group of economists, futurists, academicians and students from public as well as private sector and government to look into the future and explore ideas about the appreciation of currency or exchange rate in ways that might challenge Malaysia. This executive summary provides an overview of the judgments, insights and implications for the seminar. Objectives This seminar aimed at promoting the monetary value of ringgit Malaysia by providing experts and academicians from within our country concerned an opportunity to share knowledge and experiences and to review challenges of the ringgit appreciation in Malaysia, and to have in-depth discussions on the role and prospects of this issue. In particular, by exchanging views and sharing the most updated information on exchange rate, it aimed at strengthening against most of the worlds major currencies and thereby contributing to the nations ambition to be a high-income economy. The seminar is also intended to provide an opportunity for the Malaysian citizens to understand the status and the challenges of the appreciation of ringgit on exports. Potential Participants This seminar would be of great interest especially to economists, financial analyst, international businessman, universities students, academicians and other communities as well. Mission and Vision Statements Mission To increase knowledge about currencies. To anticipate currency devaluation or appreciation and impacts on business world. To understand the exchange or conversion cycles for local and foreign currencies. Vision Educate the society on the importance of appreciation in ringgit. To encourage the society to look at the development of managing money and wealth. To promote an understanding on how major organizations such as the IMF are influenced by monetary transactions. To provide a better understanding on exchange rate in our country. Educate the society on the impact of appreciation and devaluation of ringgit on exports and imports. Event Team The Appreciation of Ringgit Malaysia event organising members include the following groups: What will be members role(s) in the proposed event? Director He as the director will be the primary decision-maker in our event plans. His responsibilities are to manage all his other group members ensure the member are carrying out their responsibilities in their respective roles, consult lecturer for advice and suggestion as well as to maintain order in our group. Secretary Preparing letters and log reports meetings are the responsibilities. This also includes tallying with the leaders of promotion, decoration and designing and treasurer in the purpose of recording the details in every respective role. Not forgetting, they also help in preparing letters, typing out drafts of event proposal and report, booking for the events venue and drop down selected ideas in every meeting. Treasurer This division will be in charge of the financial of the event, accounts, budget limitation and allocations. The primary task is creating a budget cost of the materials and applications with its pricing, original cost and etc. They also need to plan for fund raising, in charge of sponsorship matters and do help in publicity and promotion tasks. Design Technical Info The main task is to design the fonts, background, slogan, and events image as well as compressing the contents of our events massage besides estimating the precise size of the flyers, booklet and etc. They also help the leader in their decision making and present finalize ideas of design to the rest of members. Publicity and Promotion Promotion tasks are divided among the members in the same division and responsible in planning the promotion strategy to publicize our event, with the team title Appreciation of Malaysian Ringgit efficiently. Plus, they also collaborate with the leader about the decoration and designing and also design and technical info members to discuss on how to widen our publicity range within and outside the campus. Exhibition term For the exhibition, we will prepare a storyboard, drama or video for audience to enjoy seeing the facts and figures about the economy in Malaysia, especially from the aspect of worldwide money currency. Through the storyboard, drama or video, we will inform audience about Ringgit Malaysia, the important of stabilizing our money currency and the relation between Ringgit Malaysia and countrys export. We will be persuaded audience to support our Malaysia product through the storyboard, drama or video too. By using the method of drawing, we will show the story about how the Ringgit Malaysia can be strengthen and what its effect on our export in our country. When there is an appreciation in RM, product of Malaysia will increase the price and will reduce the local raw material cost. In addition, this will help to increase our nations export and income. So, we will use some industries and other countries as an example to make the story more interesting. Beside, through the video, we will show some picture and explain what causes the RM to appreciate or depreciate. Factors that causing a nations currency to appreciate or depreciate include: Relative product prices Monetary policy Inflation rate differences Income changes Secondly, we will exhibit the information of Ringgit Malaysia appreciation by doing the introduction to intro the Malaysians currency. The ringgit is the official currency in Malaysia which is often known as the Malaysian dollar. The Malaysian dollar or ringgit is subdivided into 100 sens, which are known as cents in foreign markets. For the example, The Ringgit Malaysia (RM) is one of Asias best performing currencies, which in 2010 has appreciated by 6% against the US dollar, 19% against the euro and 16% against the British pound. There were several factors that contributed to the stellar performance of the ringgit. Amongst them are Malaysias better than expected economic recovery, the central banks monetary tightening policies, the New Economic Model (NEM), and speculation on revaluation of Chinas Yuan, coupled with speculative funds inflow into Malaysias financial system. The currencys strength isnt likely to affect exporters, as Europes sovereign debt crisis may increase capital flows to Asia, and inter-Asia trade is expected to keep Malaysias exports at healthy growth levels. Malaysias exports to Europe make up some 10% of its total exports. Thirdly, we will exhibit the information about our seminar and the comparison advantages and disadvantages. The Pros and Cons of Stronger Ringgit Pros: Encourages the import of capital goods, which contribute to the innovation and automation of industries in the country. Improves the living standards of the people by increasing their purchasing power through cheaper imports and lower inflationary pressure. Cons: A stronger ringgit could pose challenges to the exporters of this export-dependent Malaysia, such as palm oil companies. The stronger ringgit usually trims the refinery margins as crude palm oil feedstock for refined products is priced in the currency. Any wild swings in the ringgit hurt refiners: For every 100 basis point appreciation in the ringgit, refining margins fall by US$2-US$4 a tonne. For example, if the ringgit keeps strengthening, where previously you would collect 3.2 for every US dollar you earn, now you get only 3.1. Information is very important in seminar to develop awareness about the theme of the seminar among audience. We will prepare accurate information in exhibition from Internet, survey, book, journal, and even Malaysia economic annual report. Advantages and disadvantages will clearly state in the exhibition and the information should be in bilingual, such as Malay and English. We will also consider on international students as audience too. Furthermore, the factors that cause Ringgit Malaysia to appreciate will be exhibit in the exhibition. We will collect the information from latest news or from others resources. All the information about the factors will be state clearly in the exhibition. Besides that, the comparison of the currency and different types of graph about the Ringgit Malaysia and exports of the products will be well prepared in the exhibition too. The information that we are prepared is due to these current years. The comparison of the currency within others country will be shown too. The countries that we will be compare such as US or China. The graph such as comparison of currency with others country, comparison of exports products, comparison of the latest years for currency will be shown too. For the exports of the products, we will be deciding to put example for palm oil or furniture. There are many types of graph will be shown during the exhibition. These aspects also consider as important information for audience to understand our main theme. Also, we will be taking the information through Internet, survey, book, journal and economic annual report. Committees in the exhibition are responsible to deliver a clear message to audience. Good interpretati ons will really helps the audience to understand the theme that we intend to deliver for them. Lastly, through the teamwork among the committee and the accurate and clear information in the exhibition, we will successfully organize the seminar and message will be well delivered for the audience. Potential speakers to be invite Prof. Dr. Mohd. Nazari Bin Ismail Professor Department of Business Strategy Policy Faculty of Business and Accountancy Universiti Malaya. Associate Prof. Dr. Fatimah Binti Kari Associate Professor Department of Economics Faculty of Economics and Admistration Universiti Malaya. Dato Mukhriz Bin Tun Dr. Mahathir Minister of International Trade and Industry Malaysia. Promotional and Publicity Strategies Internet Using social network as a main promotional tool to provide seminar information to promote and educate the targeted audiences regarding our topics of exhibition and seminar. Facebook Blogspot Twitter MMU Portal Newspaper Reporters will be invited to the seminar and before the seminar conduct to promote the seminar in aim to target public audiences. Interview session between the speakers and reporters will be conduct after / before the seminar. The Star The Sun MMU Nexus Promotion Booth Booth will be open before the week of seminar and exhibition to capture the attendance of MMU students and lecturers toward our seminar and exhibition. Members on duty will introduce to the public regarding the seminar and exhibition. Class Publicity CLC concourse FBL Lobby Selling Souvenirs (key chain, T-Shirt, and etc) Flyers Changing the computer background wallpaper to the seminar and exhibition wallpaper to promote the exhibition and seminar. (to be confirm later) Co-operation with lecturers Cooperate and encourage FBL lecturers to post an announcement regarding our exhibition and seminars. Lecturers may encourage students to attend and take as class attendance. SAPS point will be provide to those who attend the seminars. Take Attendance SAPS Point MMLS Invite higher education institutions Invite STPM students, or higher education institutions in Melaka to the exhibition and seminar. Stamford Collage Secondary Schools in Melaka Invite Vendors Invite Vendors to participate on the exhibition and seminar to selling their products. Part of the profit are encourage donate to the event. Fund Raising Due to Christmas is around the corner, we have planned to sell goody packs in our campus. Our goody pack includes sweet and chocolate. We can promote it through distribute flyers, so that all students will know goody pack is available for sale here. We may sell RM4-5 per one goody pack which price is reasonable and affordable for all students. We may sell the couple T-shirts. The couple T-shirts and the goody packs will be a good match for the students. They may wear it to celebrate for the Christmas and the sweets and chocolates will be the presents for their partners. We are planning to raise fund in the restaurant or cafà © by providing the services there. We can be the part time waiters or waitresses. The earning we get will be the funds for the projects. We will also try to ask the owner to contribute the earning for one particular day to be our funds. We have planned to sell fruits such as guava, papaya, and watermelon inside or outside the campus. Believe that, there are many students are like to eat fruit in such a torrid weather. So we may sell Rm1.50-2.00, which is affordable for them.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Project Management Essay

Scope of Project Since the project involves mega budget the evaluation and study of scope is necessary, to find if the country is prepared for such mega budget projects or not. In spite of having most of the odds against and the greater  challenge in front of owners, it is commendable the outcome they produced. The first Formula 1racing was grand success in India; it also saw the attendance of viewers more than 100,000. The world class quality produced in short span of time was commendable. After the grand success of first two editions of Indian Grand Prix this project has silenced the critics to an extent. The Indian GP boosted the economy, as it saw major boost in hotel industry. The hotel charges in Delhi and NOIDA were increased by 50% to 80% during the event. Travel and transportation services also made merry, while there was huge consumption increase for food and beverages. The formula 1 motor sport is huge money spinner and it is expected to bring more money in future. The assumption for revenues from F1’s commercial rights will reach $3.3bn in 2016, according to a report by Formula Money with sponsorship in 2011 returning fast. The research, based on data contained in the new edition of the annual Formula Money report, predicts that revenues for the sport’s commercial rights holder, the Formula One Group, will rise at a rate of 12.7 percent a year reaching $3,253m in five years’ time. Buddh International Circuit project was questioned as it was build keeping in the mind of Formula 1 Racing where Indian presentation is very less. There is only one Indian Team Force India co-owned by Dr. Vijay Malya that too has all foreign drivers. The only Indian driver who features in Formula 1 race is Narain Karthikeyan who drives for HRT. Seeing the response of first two F1 races experts are very much hope full about the success of such projects. Motor sport will develop in India; however, it will take time, Dr. Malya in an exclusive interview quoted â€Å"F1is not short term project, he gave example of champion team Red bull and the progress they made in 7 years.† The other countries like Malaysia and China have already ventured into Formula 1 race business. Most of the countries see it as investment to boost their tourism sector more than the sporting activity and indeed it does help in generating revenue in foreign currency as sport is having global presence and fans and followers in large numbers who travel across the globe for the love of sport. Economic Activity The project started with a mega budget of $400 million dollar. It had a great impact upon the economy. It brought India on the map of global motor sport, which is considered to be the biggest money spinning sport in the world  according to study conducted, the popularity of the sport can be measured by the fact that it had television viewers of 527 million Formula One world championship. Formula Ones economic effects and creation of jobs are significant, and its financial and political battles are widely reported. Its high profile and popularity make it a merchandising environment, which results in great investments from sponsors and budgets in the hundreds of millions for the constructors. Critics may question this project as the cost of the project is very high the track alone cost around $120 million and the operational cost of the circuit is $15 million to $20 million. Apart from the huge investment that Budhh International project has incurred, it is delivering rich dividends. The huge success of inaugural Indian Grand Prix which was full house already indicated the future of such projects in India. It has helped India gaining revenue from foreign countries. It will also give India exposure to high technology. The Site Buddh International Circuit is located in Greater Noida in the outskirts of Delhi. Greater Noida falls within the National Capital Region of India‟s capital – New Delhi and is adjacent to Noida, one of the largest industrial townships in Asia. It is located 40 kilometers (25 mi) to the south-east of New Delhi and 20 kilometers (12 mi) south-east of Noida. The Government of Uttar Pradesh then decided to incorporate the city of Greater Noida, as an extension to Noida, but with better planning, incorporating the lessons learned from the Noida development. The place is a perfect location for Budhh International Circuit as it takes only about 2.5 hours of road travel from Delhi making it easier even for fans of formula 1 coming for outside of the country for the love sport. Connecting the city to Agra is Yamuna Express way six lane express way which was formerly known as Taj Expressway. The circuit is part of the 2,500 acres (10 km2) Jaypee Greens Sports City, Greens Sports City home which also includes a 100,000 seat cricket stadium, 18-hole golf course, 25,000 seat field hockey stadium and a sports academy have been planned. The sports complex is expected to cost 40 billion ($820 million) and generate $170m of revenue annually, and employ 10,000 people. Infrastructural Development The projects like BIC boost infrastructural development in the area. It has encouraged the urbanization of the area. It is sign of fast developmental growth of the area. With infrastructure giant like Jaypee Group entering in the area, they can take the development to whole new level. The Jaypee Group is a conglomerate based in Noida, India. It was founded by Jaiprakash Gaur which is involved in well diversified infrastructure conglomerate with business interests in Engineering & Construction, Power, Cement, Real Estate and Hospitality. The project BIC has improved the interest of the people in considering Greater Noida as residential place. The other industries have also acknowledged the development in the area and now they are seeking this as an opportunity to grow their business and moving their business to the town. Such Mega projects not only require big budgets, they also required enhanced technology in order to finis the project on time. The Mega projects like BIC can not be accomplished without the use of high technology in other words; these projects also introduced high technologies to this area in order to boos the urbanization at fast pace. The urbanization of the area is helping in improving the quality of life of the people living in the area as they get to enjoy world class facility. The service level and quality of various important services such as hospitals and educational institutes has improved to great deal. The urbanization always attracts investment from company which will mean consumer will have more option and better quality of service. Trade and Tourisms The Buddh circuit has been built as a flagship development for a bigger project: a new town with a population of several hundred thousand, which will have malls, sports and education facilities, and will sit astride a new motorway linking it to Delhi, 32km away, and Agra, 190km away. The Buddh International circuit has brought, boost to the tourism and trade both as it has increased the number of foreign visitors who come follow the Formula 1 race. The world class architecture and the facilities available at the circuit give fans run for their money. The hospitality sector has gained a lot from the projects like Budhh International Circuit. Because of the  number of event this circuit is hosting, they getting increase numbers of foreign visitors. Hospitality sector will improve their status, as the auto-racing events might bring in great effects of tourism into the country. It promotes the country not only as one of the tourist attraction but will also attract sport lovers from all over the world. Hotel industry is expecting growth in their business as the people who come to watch events like Formula One try to find accommodation in near by location. It is also generating business opportunities for other sectors related to travel and transportation. The teams carry their own machines and equipments while venturing in such competitions which require good and fast moving transportation facilities. Hotel and the hospitality industry will benefit greatly from Formula One Entertainment as they would provide accommodation and food for their staff. The number of visitors expected to increase as the BIC is all set to stage Superbike World Championship (WSBK) in 2013. Increase number of events will definitely boost the foreign currency inflow to the country and will help to build and promote Indian tourism Industry. Environmental Effects Despite all the benefits from the BIC, there are several undeniable impacts it has on the environment. The new development will mean more pollution issues. The population are concerned that their health will be jeopardized by there recent increase of development. The motorsport adds to air and noise pollution as the roaring sound of the engine creates noise pollution, as result you may find most of the people watching formula 1 race in circuit wearing ear plugs. And this is a life threatening sport as cars run at alarming speed at which accident can easily take place jeopardizing the life or car drivers and others. Cultural Effects The development projects like BIC have changed the environment from agriculture base to new developed town. The state government has taken land from framers for this Mega project, which is a part bigger infrastructural development in this part of the state. The development has produced both employment and unemployment. Even though there are a lot of job opportunities since so much of development has happened, people facing  challenge as they have re-skill themselves. Developments in area, which once lack of modern facilities has offered more schools for the children‟s education, better hospital facilities, and more job opportunities. With the area getting international exposure more and more companies willing to invest in land here. Real estate business in the area has really picked up the pace as the rate of the land moving up high, creating business opportunities, as more and more people willing to invest in land here. Most of the Formula 1 fans are from western countries and the Indian will get too much exposure from the western cultures and values. This does not imply that the western cultures and values are negative but rather does not fit into the way of life of the Indian cultures. This might created what is called the generation gap between the younger generations and the older generations as the younger generations are influenced by western cultures while the older generations are by the traditional Indian cultures. The Controversy The disparity between headline-grabbing projects such as the Buddh circuit and the poverty that surrounds them has been well documented. But the myriad conflicts generated by the transformation of India are heard about less often. The track has been greeted with fanfare in journalist and sporting circles, and with legislation and protests elsewhere. Public-interest litigation was filed against the government of Uttar Pradesh, the state where the complex is located, and the Jaypee Group. The PIL claimed that because Formula One is an elitist sport, the state government has no right to exempt Jaypee from paying entertainment taxes, alleging that the exemption was granted only because the company is â€Å"very close to the political leadership.† In order to construct the circuit, the lands of some three hundred farmers were purchased by the state government. However, in August 2011 – three months before the inaugural race – the farmers in question expressed dissatis faction with the project and threatened to dismantle the circuit â€Å"with force if necessary†, demanding more money and stating that they felt the land should have been zoned for industrial estates to generate more employment in the area. Meanwhile, farmers on whose land the circuit now stands continue to protest. The land was bought by the state government in 2007 for the development of roads and industry.  Farmers complained they had not received the compensation or jobs they were promised. Bhatta-Parsaul made headlines in the summer when police attacked farmers who had been protesting about the compulsory purchase of their lands by the government of Uttar Pradesh. Allegations of police brutality and violence provoked by land disputes are commonplace. This is particularly true on the outskirts of cities where exploding populations, growing wealth and rampant property speculation combine with repressive colonial-era laws and corrupt officials. Objective The objective of the study is to evaluate the project and check the feasibility of such mega budget project and to see if India the country which is still going through economical reforms and the county which having high „Power Distance Index’ is ready for such mega budget projects. The study focuses upon the scope that project such as Buddh International Circuit carries. It takes upon the Formula 1 motor sports, potential for generating revenue and its scope in India. It also takes on its impact of economy and revenue generation. The number of business and employment opportunity it provides. Also take on its impact on the tourism industry in India and other sub industry in India. Bearing the fact in min it provides excellent international exposure for India as the sports is banking upon huge media coverage. It is having such a large viewership which only considered second to Olympic. Formula One can be seen live or tape delayed in almost every country and territory arou nd the world and attracts one of the largest global television audiences. The 2008 season attracted a global audience of 600 million people per race. According to the reports year 2011 saw global viewers 515 million. The precise figures for year 2012 are not available. However, there seems to be decline in the number of viewers for year 2012. The study also takes a look at the Indian representation at Formula 1. The only Indian Formula 1 driver Narain Karthikeyan who drives for HRT in an interview said it is very difficult to break in to Formula 1 circuit. However, the future of this sport is bright in India as, people in India have more knowledge about the sport unlike China where it is limited to Shanghai only. The Indian Team Force India performed well in the both the edition of the Indian Grand Prix. However, the performance was better in  the inaugural Grand Prix. The study also focuses upon the F1‟s impact on culture, environment and controversy related to the BIC project, the controversy which created political issues in the territory. 6. Analysis On the analysis of the sport we can find that Formula 1 is money draining spots, it requires large budget as an average formula one car can easily cost around $100 million dollar. On the contrary it has huge fan following, the sport is one the richest and one the viewed sports of the televisions, having viewership in hundreds of millions, making it big money spinning sport. According to sources the revenue generated by F1 from commercial right in year 2010 was an astonishing amount of $1.587 billion, which is expected to grow further in future. The sport promises to be the huge money spinner. The analysis of the BIC infrastructure and the world class facility it contains, one can say this is a worth project. BIC has successfully hosted the Indian Grand Prix twice and received and accolade from international fraternity. The CEO of F1 Mr. Bernie Ecclestone has already acknowledged BIC as one the best racing circuits of the world. The investment and operational cost analysis of BIC proj ects shows that it requires mega budget and the operational cost of the circuit is also very high which is almost around $15 million to $20million per year. The state of art and world class facility of this circuit makes it suitable for events, which are very necessary for preventing it from becoming white elephant. The circuit is also about to host World Superbike Series. The analysis of impacts of BIC it has some positive and some negative impact. It has really boosted the infrastructural development in the area. The events like F1 race giving India Global exposure and thereby giving Indian tourism and hospitality industry a chance to grow further. The Formula 1fans follow this sport from across the globe and most of them are wealthy and ready spend for luxuries. In that way project BIC has opened gate for foreign currency inflow. The projects also have some negative impact also it started on the land bought from farmers, which created controversy later and became big political issue, apart from this the owner group also came under scanner for tax exemption. This project was also seen as threat to environment as it causes both air and noise pollution. BIC has been successful in hosting two  of the mega event it has also given India a great recognition on the global world motor sport map. It is also creating employment and business opportunities.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Pain of Everyman Essay Topics

The Pain of Everyman Essay Topics Whatever They Told You About Everyman Essay Topics Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why The big distinction is that the argumentative essay should demonstrate a discussion instead of a single opinion. This paragraph is quite important because it leaves the reader having the most immediate impression. Therefore it's possible to find the alteration from 1 period to another. To get started writing your assignment you would want to run into an interesting and promising topic. Like all kinds of allegory, the technique is basically intellectual. There is an assortment of patterns that writers can use whenever writing an argumentative essay even though there isn't any particular model of organization. Your essay description has become the most important portion of the purchase procedure, but it doesn't need to be complex. You should utilize APA reference tools to help in writing your essay the right way or seek the services of an expert essay writer that could write the essay working with the APA reference tools. The comforts he has distracted himself with his whole life cannot help him. Child molesters ought to be put to death. To compose a terrific argumentative essay the students first must investigate several sides of the argument, allowing them to make an educated stance. New Questions About Everyman Essay Topics Still, every one of them would show up in the overall list. Normally, it takes as many as 2 hours of time to comb through dozens of sites until you discover something exciting to write about. Cyber-attacks are an important intelligence tool for all nations. The characters represent abstractions like good deeds, death, and so forth. Locating a cheap NFL jersey has been a daunting job for a number of the hardcore fans in spite of the team they support for. The usage of NFL jerseys is quite common. Cell phone use and texting ensure it is hard to concentrate. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's vital to at all times be critically considering the world around us. These are the sorts of things you'll be exploring when you compose a parenting argumentative essay. The primary purpose of writing an argumentative essay is to understand how to convince folks to modify their perception of things they strongly believe in. It's time to have a peek at the 100 interesting persuasive essay topics shared by the very best writers from various portions of the world! However, in the instance of his very first surgery, his mother was there to present emotional support at each step, apart from the times whenever the everyman is sleeping or being operated upon. Lonely, in poor well-being, and feeling shunned by the majority of his loved ones, the everyman is prepared to confront his mortality. A messenger tells the audience that individuals should be useful in life, and anticipate death so that they may go to heaven. Compare the play to a different bit of work which has a similar message or style. The play suggests that it's crucial to do good deeds and to receive knowledge, because everything learnt will stay for the entire life. Furthermore, it is, certainly, edifying, because it provides the idea that people can take with them from real world nothing they have received, but only the things they have given others. You can also pick an emotional topic. This is a suitable technique to utilize in highly polarized debates. EILAM is devoted to educational excellence in the industry of Dermatology, hair regrowth treatments, cosmetic lasers and healthcare aesthetics. Everyone have to know of his talents. 1 Imagine that you're the director of a creation of Everyman. With personalized jerseys of the NFL, you are certain that you've got the ideal design. Only then can one to concentrate on the path to Celestial City, which results in salvation. Beauty, Strength, and Discretion are a few of the different characteristics which were expressed in Everyman.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare - 1671 Words

The idea of the contrapasso, or counter suffering, explains that punishments must arise from the sin itself, not the damage that the sin created. Dante’s Inferno expresses the contropasso through nine circles of Hell which are distinguished based upon the specific sin of a mortal being. The job of placing mortals into a particular circle of Hell can be an arduous, but given the opportunity to fulfill this task; Katherina from Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew displays the distinct characteristics which allow her to be placed among the sinners in the Inferno. Kate’s tragic flaw of being the shrew in the play means she personifies anger. Her anger is clearly seen at the beginning of the play, but appears to lessen during the remaining acts. On the surface it can be easy to conclude that Kate is a shrew no more and her marriage has tamed her. Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew contains clues which can conclude that Katherina is not tamed at the conclusion of t he play and therefore she embodies the characteristics that most closely correspond to Dante’s fifth circle of hell, Anger. In the Inferno the fifth circle of Hell is the realm where the wrathful and sullen sinners reside. Wrathful sinners are those who express their anger, and sullen sinners repress their anger. The wrathful are seen fighting each other on the surface of the river Styx and the sullen are gurgling beneath the surface of the water (Inferno, 7, 109-26). The line between what constitutes wrathful and sullenShow MoreRelatedThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare1316 Words   |  6 Pagespatriarchy, and have conquered in achieving a worthy opinion of their genders. In the taming of the Shrew, William Shakespeare expresses the Elizabethan views of oppressive gender roles and the expectations of the submissive behavior of women. This play is about a man named Petruchio who is trying to tame a â€Å"shrew† Katharina .The play is misogynistic, which is apparent through the constant need for Petruchio to tame the shrew, Katherina, women’s dependence on men, and the ownership o f women in the play.Read MoreThe Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare1321 Words   |  5 PagesFrom youth we have been showered with tales of true love’s kiss and of Prince Charming breaking the Evil Queen’s curse. Time and again, we are made to see the power of love. In the play, â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew† by William Shakespeare, the renowned playwright takes love deeper than just passion. Shakespeare goes under the surface of love, all the way to its core. The story truly begins as Baptista Minola’s two daughters are readied for marriage: Bianca the sweet and innocent; Katherina the shrewdRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare Essay1990 Words   |  8 PagesThe Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare was written in the latter years of the Elizabethan Era. In this play, Shakespeare looks at the themes of womanhood, patriarchy, courtship, and marriage, which are topics prevalent in Elizabethan Era. Amongst citizens, the to pics hold strict beliefs in the public space. This play that illustrates a woman with such self-control and individualism, get forced into the life of a weak woman beholden to her husband. A once strong and domination female characterRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare1097 Words   |  5 Pagesbeen prevalent throughout literature. The play The Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare, examines this theme by detailing the female-pursuits of 3 men, Lucentio, Hortensio, and Petruchio, and their respective methods of â€Å"seduction†. While Lucentio lies in order to attract Bianca and Hortensio elects to marry a woman simply for her wealth, Petruchio, to the surprise of the other male characters, marries a foul-tempered and sharp-tongued â€Å"shrew†, Katherine. After their wedding, Petruchio, a selfishRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare1181 Words   |  5 PagesThe Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare will appeal to Kal idasa because most of his plays are based on Puranas and this play can be used to show the values of Hindu Puranas and respect toward the deities. Hindu Puranas, ancient Indian literature about myths and legends, like Mahabharata teach the society about deed, religion, respect, knowledge, and royalty. Kalidasa can use Shakespeare’s play to reteach Mahabharata’s values, since the play presents themes of wealth, gender role, religiousRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare1612 Words   |  7 Pagespast, women were oppressed because they were not allowed to work and control aspects of their lifestyle, such as working themselves, rather they were forced to marry and depend on their spouses. William Shakespeare chose to present this concept through Katherina’s character in the play The Taming of The Shrew. Throughout the play, Katherina is seems to be untamable due to the manner in which she is first introduced, her attitude changes too abruptly for it to be convincing, and that she is either puttingRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare1255 Words   |  6 PagesIn the play The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare, it focuses on two sisters who must get married however, the oldest must get married first. Here, Shakespeare presents to the audience, Katharina Minola. Katharina is portrayed as an outspoken and stubborn woman. In the play, Kate cannot find a husband because of her aggressive personality, the men speak negatively about her and believe she is not a fit woman to marry. Although, in the play it may seem like Kate will never find a husbandRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare Essay1596 Words   |  7 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, it is an epic battle of the sexes. In the era that this play was written (Elizabethan), women were told what to do, how to act, and who to be. That is why Katherine is such a fascinating yet confusing character in this play. In this piece, the protagonist Kate is very complex and has many different, unique sides to her personality, which is frowned upon in this time. Before Katherine even spoke in this play she was this horrible, shrewish girl. WhenRead MoreTaming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare Essay2088 Words   |  9 PagesPetruchio’s Change In the play Taming of the Shrew, written by William Shakespeare, many characters are reshaped and given new personality traits. Petruchio is known as being a cocky man who intends to help tame a shrewish young lady named Kate. There are many critics that believe Petruchio is solely obnoxious and a bully but through out his interactions with Kate it is shown that he truly cares about the well being of others. Of course at the beginning of Petruchio’s plan to tame a young ladyRead MoreEssay on The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare1088 Words   |  5 Pages The Taming of the Shrew, written by William Shakespeare, is historical proof that flirting and temptation, relating to the opposite sex, has been around since the earliest of times. Because males and females continue to interact, the complications in this play remain as relevant and humorous today as they did to Elizabethan audiences. This is a very fun play, full of comedy and sexual remarks. Its lasting impression imprints itself into the minds of its readers, for it is an unforgettable